This Saturday we will be checking out Groove Dimension. They are a very good band - I have seen them before and ideal for cha cha, jive, swing and more. Details are:
You can read more here - - note that this will be a popular event so we will likely do a lot of dancing in the foyer like we have before. Let me know if you are coming so I can organise a table. There was about 15 of us last time so it's good to be able to secure something together. This is also the last week of the current dance cycle. We will be doing:
This is the last week of the cycle so if you have been coming along, then stick at it so you can enjoy the week that offers you the best dance experience. If you have not been for a while, then next week is the ideal time to jump in. Starting on Monday 18th March we will be doing:
In the future, we are considering doing a break week between cycles so that we can spend time on dances that we do not do very often or are not suited to a full 6 week cycle, or maybe just one that has not been done for a while and not likely to be done soon. Give thought to any dance you have not done for a wile and would like to. See you on the dance floor Clint
Remember that there are no classes on Thursday. And the group lessons for this week are:
Finally, remember the EOY party. I have the trophies for those doing their awards, I have organised for the bar to be attended, and I am getting everyone's food preferences as they register. Register yourself now - - and invite any friends who are interested. As well as the awards, which are good to watch, there will be the bar, the BBQ, a group class for all, and social dancing. In short - a good night. See you on the dance floor Clint First off - remember that there is no class tonight (Monday).
Group classes this week:
Awards If you are going for awards, then I have recently sent an email about the details. Please let me know if you did not get this. Cancellations December is a crazy time this year, and the following nights we will not have any classes:
I realise that is a fair chunk of the month. This was partly the result of some confusion within the management of the venue so it is an unusual December. Thus, to compensate those who are currently on the subscription, I will be suspending their fees for the month of December. EOY party Thanks again to those who filled out the survey. We will be doing a BBQ this year along with the awards and a class suited to beginners as well (so please bring friends) and then we'll have some social dancing to see the night out. The bar will also be open at great prices. You can purchase your tickets for the night via this link: Social coming up If you joined us last time we saw this band, then you will recall how good they are. Save the date (9th December): And let me know that you are coming. See you on the dance floor Clint It's one month now until the EOY party and awards night. Make sure you have the date saved (21 December). I will be setting up online tickets and such soon.
Classes this week:
The next social we will go to is this one here - We have seen this band before - and they were good. So let me know if you are keen on some disco on Saturday 9 December. Thanks to everyone who took time to fill out the survey. Seems you like the kinds of things we do at the moment, but there are some options for some other things as well that you are keen on. I also note when you are keen to start next year. I am now talking with the teachers to find out their plans. I can then work out the best plan and let you know. See you on the dance floor Clint This week we start a new cycle. This is an excellent time to start coming to the group classes if you have been waiting for the beginner level lessons. The classes for this cycle are:
A reminder about the Facebook group - It is a place we post photos, share events, share links and engage with others on things related to the studio and dance. It's good to join. Finally, the studio space is not available cup eve (6th Nov) so instead we can go to an event at Carnegie Hall - This is a disco themed night so you can expect to have a good time. Let me know if you are going so we can get a table together. See you on the dance floor Clint Steel As the subject line suggests, this update is going to be about something olfactory. However, before we get into that story, let's talk about the group classes this week. The dances we are doing are:
Social events Saturday night was good too. Disco always is. Check out the photos in the Facebook group. That's where we share the more raw and behind the scenes kind of stuff. It was a popular event too - check out the photo below - so we got in a little less partner dance than desired, but we certainly still danced. And we have another social event this weekend. Sundays are back at the venue like we used to have! See the details here - - and note the excellent entry price! This has always been a great way to see the weekend out. So let me know if you are coming - we will be on a table together. The band does a range of classic songs so there will be a few styles you can dance.
Reminder on cancellation policy Please remember that our policy is 48 hours notice to cancel a class. This is so our instructors are not left with vacant slots and wasting their time. We do understand emergencies happen, but in other instances, please give us as much warning as possible. A story about stinking Last week a student left a scarf at group class. I noticed this afterward during a private lesson with Bertha*. I picked it up and smelled it to see if I could work out who's it was. "That's Hildegard's" I said victoriously (proud of my olfactory senses) and I went to the default lost property bin (the red suitcase) to place it there. Bertha laughed at my statement and asked how I knew. I noted that when you dance with someone enough you pick up on their scent. Thus, I can pick many of the women in group by scent. I asked if she could not do that with the men. Her reply was "Only if they stink!" The moral of the story? There's a few men in group class who need to put more effort into their scent. The fact is I did not really smell Hildegard's scent - it was her perfume I could smell. So if you are a man then:
Hopefully that was a sufficiently humorous, but still informative enough, end to this week's update. See you on the dance floor Clint GROUP CLASSES
We start new dances in the group class this week:
This is the start of the next cycle so if you want to get in when it is focused on beginners, then now's your chance. SOCIAL EVENT Remember the social this Saturday - It is disco so always good to dance to - be it swing or Latin. Let me know if you are coming so I can organize a table for us all. PHOTO OPPORTUNITY I have been contact by a photographer who wants to take photos of dancers. His contact details are below:
He is a student at Photography Studies College (PSC). As a part of the course, he is currently working on a portfolio and looking for models to photograph for a ballroom dance themed shoot. He is looking for mature age students or late high school at the youngest. As a thankyou for having you model for him - he is happy to provide a set of high res digital files complimentary. The objective of the shoot is to capture the essence of dance and movement through a range of photographic techniques which will be incorporated into the shoot. If you like the idea of posing for a photo and getting a record of your efforts, then drop him a line. See you on the dance floor Clint First off classes this week:
Do you have friends wanting to dance? We will be starting another 4-week program then too. Please tell anyone you know who has been thinking about learning dance. Awards This week we will be finalising the details for the next awards – your teacher will be talking to you about it. Social dance outings We had a really good time on Saturday with Rough Edges – a really good band doing great music (see some photos in the FB group). It was the first time some people there had social-danced a style they had learned properly. So a significant night. The next event will be a disco-themed night - - always great dance music. See you on the dance floor Clint This Another update earlier than usual because there is a bit on that I want to tell you about. First off – remember it is disco tonight ( This does not happen often so make sure you are there. Many of the dance moves you have been taught are applicable to disco (Salsa, cha cha, jive, blues, R’n’R and Lindy Hop). So you will be able to use and enjoy your talents as intended. I will also be there so you will know at least one person. See you there at around 6pm! Second – you have been spoilt this weekend. There is also Wired on Sunday ( This is more a rock vibe, but the dances are the same – you just change the character. I will also be there so you will know someone. This is an excellent way to see the weekend out. See you there at 3pm! Third – Anita will be interviewing the director of a play about dance. Remember when I told you that Gigi was training some actors? Well that play will soon be showing – Dear Ida. It is about the role of dance halls in WWII. In the lead up to the showing, Anita will be interviewing the director on Facebook Live. You can watch it on Sunday afternoon or later. Read more about it here - Fourth – remember that the awards are coming up. So get ready. Fifth – have you ever wanted to use your dance (or other talents) in a showcase to entertain others? Maybe even on a cruise ship as an entertainer? Will check these links out:
Sixth – we do, as always, have group classes this week.
Thanks for reading all that Clint |
AuthorThis blog is written by the staff at Destine Dance and is inspired by the questions and challenges faced by our students Archives
December 2024