As the heading clearly explicates - the awards are not far off. Just a bit over two weeks in fact.
If you are going for your awards, then please double check you got an email from me about them over the weekend. If you did not, then we might have missed you - let me know. If you want to be a guest or you want guests to come along, then tickets can be secured here - It will be an even better night because we will also have a performance from a nearby studio - Canon Dance House. And it will be the last one for the year as well as being the last one with me so come along to see the year out and say goodbye. Finally, with regards to the awards, let me know if you want to be in the friendly comp. You can dance with whom you wish, dance what you like, and dance to the song you choose. Classes this week:
See you on the dance floor Clint
I was going to mention awards, but we still have a bit of time for that.
I was then going to let you know the floor is clean after Monday's happening, but I mentioned that action was being taken in class. Then I thought I could mention how we have again had some odd behaviour from students, but it's not a big deal given how you (and the others who stick at dance) are great - but I have mentioned how you are a great group before. And then I recalled that the new cycle starts, and you can let others know about the 4 week program coming up - - but you know that and I mentioned it already. So all I can do is let you know about the group classes this week:
See you on the dance floor Clint Steele First off, let's talk about how popular you are! You might not know this, but now, whenever S&P Promotions ( runs an event, they are often asked "Will those dancers be here tonight?" That's because people like to watch the Destine Dancers dance. You are likely a better dancer and more entertaining than you realise. Also, at the last awards night, our adjudicator, Jenny Rosenfeld, commented upon what a good group of fun and happy people we have at Destine Dance. This is because we focus on a sense of team - where everyone is there to help everyone else improve their dance ability. This was always my goal for Destine Dance - a focus on all the positives that dance can bring someone (from the social element to the beauty of its execution). So your popularity makes me happy. And in accordance with being social and improving we have the following events coming up:
Save the dates for the social events. And let me know about your interest in going so we can organise a table if an option and to catch up to get some dinner first. Get in now for the proficiency course - I need to ensure we get enough people before I run it. Second for this update, remember the group classes for this week (the second week for this cycle):
See you on the dance floor Clint There is a bit in this update, but it is important so please take your time to read it all. It should only take about 2-3 minutes. THE AWARDS Well done to all who went for the awards. And thanks to those who came to support them and enjoy the fun of the night. If you did go for the awards, and there is anything erroneous with your trophies or certificates, then please let me know. We can get it corrected. I am also in the process of posting the videos of the night on an unlisted playlist. You can see it here - Let me know if you see any footage of yourself that you are not happy with. Thanks again to Richard Bence Productions ([email protected] 0418121529) for all the videography and photography. And thanks to Andrea who baked cupcakes. Also, some asked about the Pizza. It was from Bubba Pizza in Elwood MORE PROFICIENCY CLASSES Please let me know if you would be interested in a proficiency group class. It would be on Wednesday at 8:30pm. You would have seen students get their awards at the last awards night after doing the last course. So if you are looking for an option to do awards, then let me know. We are still working out the styles we will teach so you can also suggest some. GROUP CLASSES The classes this week are:
The next cycle starts 16 September:
NOW FOR THE BIG NEWS My girlfriend Sophie is pregnant. And our baby is due in March next year. This means that I will not have time to put as much effort into the studio as I do now. Thus, there will likely be changes next year. I am already talking to the teachers about one of them taking over so that Destine Dance can continue to run in the New Year (see the next section). I can however assure that for the rest of this year, the studio will continue to run as planned. And we will still be trying to expand so that we can offer you more people to dance with and more things to do. DESTINE DANCE IN 2025 To make plans for giving you the best studio possible we want to know more about what is important to you. Please take the time to fill out this survey about what you enjoy most at the studio - OPEN DAY This Sunday is the open day at the studio venue. There will be live music, bowls, Capoeira will hopefully be there, and Destine Dance will be there to try to get more people involved. We will be running a dance class for half an hour and then dancing to the band. There is no cost. And it would be great if you could come along to encourage others there to learn dance with us. MORE CASUAL PRIVATE LESSON SLOTS I still have some slots where I can take private lessons. If you would like to have some private lessons to work on key attributes, and accelerate your learning, then send me a message so we can organise something for you. SUSBSCRIPTIONS There was meant to be a pause in the subscriptions last week, but it seems this did not happen. Therefore, I will pause the charges for this week. Please let me know if you have been overcharged so we can correct it. THE SPRING BALL The next major event on the calendar is the spring ball - Make sure you get your tickets so can register the songs you wish to dance to. It will be a good night and one you will be glad you went to. See you on the dance floor Clint Hi {!firstname_fix},
It's been 3 weeks of the current group class cycle. The lessons this week are:
It's less than two weeks to the awards. Get your tickets here - - if you need to. I have been asked about kosher meals - I will get something from Glick's or elsewhere similar if needed - so don't let that stop you inviting friends or family. The schedule for the night is:
We will also pause the group classes schedule for that week so we can work on other styles if you like. Let me know of any rarer styles you would like to try or even if you would like to stick with what we have been doing. It's about 4 weeks to the spring ball. Get your tickets here - And it took less than a week for one of the new shoe brushes to go missing. Please check your shoe bag and such to see if it is there. Cleaning the shoes each lesson has been good for the floor so thanks to all who have been helping with that. See you on the dance floor. Clint Steele Before we talk about shoes and other things, the group classes this week are:
Now about your shoes. Investigations have revealed that shoes are a major contributor to unclean floors at the studio. The floors are cleaned on Mondays, but then on the other days, debris is leaving shoes, and being left on the floor. The shoes likely picked up the debris on the other days (as the floor naturally builds up more debris). So, while the floors are being cleaned, the effort is undermined by the debris collected on shoes during the other days. Therefore, please make it a habit to clean your shoes when you arrive at the studio. You can use the brush we have there. This assumes you are wearing dance shoes with suede soles – if you have regular shoes, then please just do your best to wipe them when you arrive. This way, we can all enjoy a clean floor. This Sunday. Thanks to those who have said they want to come to the event at the studio venue this Sunday. Details:
Now let’s talk about the awards. I have ordered the trophies for the awards night so please make sure you have been contacted if you are doing the awards to confirm details. Also:
Next, the social night coming up on September 14. Tickets are already being bought, but get yours here if you have not yet - This is a night where you do nothing but dance and dance the styles you want to dance. Finally, an open day. The Elsternwick Park Sports Club (the organisation that manages the venue where we have our classes) is having an open day on September 8. Entry will be free and Destine Dance will be doing two things:
See you on the dance floor Clint First up, group classes this week. It's a new cycle so now is a great time to start with them or get back into them if you have been wanting to. The dances this time are:
Second, awards are getting closer - 28 August 2024. Make sure that:
Third, let's talk social dancing. Make sure you secure your ticket for the spring ball on September 13 - Thanks again if you are one of the people who has already bought a ticket. I have also noticed that it has been a while since we have seen a live band at the venue. So let me know if you want to join us on a table at this event on the Sunday of August 11 - These events are always a great way to see the weekend out. See you on the dance floor Clint This is the last week of the current cycle:
Note Wednesday! Next week we will teach:
Also, I have another 4 week intro program for anyone you know who has not danced with us before, but is interested in trying - I am not promoting this anywhere else - only through established contacts - so they should be reasonably small sized classes for this cycle. Remember that the awards are coming up - 28 August. Your teacher should talk to you this week about confirming your details for the awards - if you are doing them. I will also soon set up tickets for guests - watch this space. And again - remind me if you want to do an exhibition with another student. Finally, people have already started buying their tickets for the spring ball in September - - thanks if you are on of the early birds who are well organised. See you on the dance floor Clint As you would have seen on the FB group,, Destine Dance is putting on a spring ball for the first time. You can get all the details here - This will be night dedicated to dance and socialising - what Destine Dance has always been about. So secure your ticket to enjoy a night of social dance - and to the music you choose.
The group classes this week are:
Finally, as a heads-up, we will not have classes on the 24th of July. The venue is not free then. See you on the dance floor Clint This week the group classes are:
As mentioned before, we have more class options now with the trial of the proficiency classes. You can see the details here - - remember that these are separate from other classes and you need to secure you place via the above link. Finally, we have more social events for you. This Saturday is a swing and blues event. You can see the details here - The night starts at 7:15 with a group class and then has a social to 11pm. It is at 44 Errol St North Melbourne. Get your tickets online. See you on the dance floor Clint |
AuthorThis blog is written by the staff at Destine Dance and is inspired by the questions and challenges faced by our students Archives
December 2024