We had the first awards for the year last week. A quiet affair, but pleasant enough and all there had a good time. There are some photos on the Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/DestineDance) and there are more to come. See if you can spot the dance wear that got a comment from Jenny Rosenfeld.
The next awards are on September 6. Talk to your teacher about them so you know what you are working on - they are the best way to improve. We will also make the next one more of an event - we will get the bar open and we'll all put in for Pizza to make it more engaging for everyone. The group classes this week are:
This is week 5 of the current cycle so after next week we start new styles. These will be: Argentine tango, rumba, rock and roll, and quickstep. That will also be the start of a new 4 week intensity program. If you know anyone who has been thinking about learning dance, then share this link with them - https://www.destinedance.com.au/intro-4weeks.html. See you on the dance floor Clint
This week we have awards on Wednesday night. This will affect anyone who has a private that night - your teacher will talk to you about this - but group classes remain the same.
Group classes this week are:
See you on the dance floor Clint Steele I have a bit to thank you for so please read on to feel appreciated.
Last week we had great turnouts at the group classes and we had one of the biggest turnouts yesterday with the live band event. I am very pleased to see this happen. The major goal for me when I started Destine Dance was to show people how dance can be a great part of their social life – more than just a hobby. So thanks for everyone who came and I look forward to seeing more of you next time. Speaking of group classes, this is week 3 of the current cycle. So if you have been going to these classes, then now is the time to make sure you keep on going so you get the full benefit of what you have learned and developed thus far. As a reminder, the classes we are doing are:
Another pleasing event this week was our reviews on Google. We surpassed 70 5-Star reviews. That’s more than anyone else teaching similar dance in the state! I think this reflects the efforts to make Destine Dance a place that helps people get the most out of dance and the great people who work here – I always say I only employ good people. But it is you that gives us those 5-Star reviews so thanks for taking the time to do that. If you have not reviewed, then you can do so here - https://g.page/r/Cd34izcvQlAEEAI/review. If, however, you do not feel you are getting 5-Star service, then please drop me a line to talk about it. I am always open to talking about ways to be better – and I always appreciate you taking the time to let me know. In return, I will always let you know how I will take your advice on board. Now that I have buttered you up, two favours to ask:
See you on the dance floor Clint As the subject line suggests, this update is going to be about something olfactory. However, before we get into that story, let's talk about the group classes this week. The dances we are doing are:
Social events Saturday night was good too. Disco always is. Check out the photos in the Facebook group. That's where we share the more raw and behind the scenes kind of stuff. It was a popular event too - check out the photo below - so we got in a little less partner dance than desired, but we certainly still danced. And we have another social event this weekend. Sundays are back at the venue like we used to have! See the details here - https://www.facebook.com/functionseventsepsc/posts/pfbid012nV6yxZGaEXzNcb9Tx5iGELHsbNyr4iwxRXbguYyVhSxZQfiBvfJGBXjkWei9fKl - and note the excellent entry price! This has always been a great way to see the weekend out. So let me know if you are coming - we will be on a table together. The band does a range of classic songs so there will be a few styles you can dance.
Reminder on cancellation policy Please remember that our policy is 48 hours notice to cancel a class. This is so our instructors are not left with vacant slots and wasting their time. We do understand emergencies happen, but in other instances, please give us as much warning as possible. A story about stinking Last week a student left a scarf at group class. I noticed this afterward during a private lesson with Bertha*. I picked it up and smelled it to see if I could work out who's it was. "That's Hildegard's" I said victoriously (proud of my olfactory senses) and I went to the default lost property bin (the red suitcase) to place it there. Bertha laughed at my statement and asked how I knew. I noted that when you dance with someone enough you pick up on their scent. Thus, I can pick many of the women in group by scent. I asked if she could not do that with the men. Her reply was "Only if they stink!" The moral of the story? There's a few men in group class who need to put more effort into their scent. The fact is I did not really smell Hildegard's scent - it was her perfume I could smell. So if you are a man then:
Hopefully that was a sufficiently humorous, but still informative enough, end to this week's update. See you on the dance floor Clint GROUP CLASSES
We start new dances in the group class this week:
This is the start of the next cycle so if you want to get in when it is focused on beginners, then now's your chance. SOCIAL EVENT Remember the social this Saturday - www.facebook.com/events/774881707568148. It is disco so always good to dance to - be it swing or Latin. Let me know if you are coming so I can organize a table for us all. PHOTO OPPORTUNITY I have been contact by a photographer who wants to take photos of dancers. His contact details are below:
He is a student at Photography Studies College (PSC). As a part of the course, he is currently working on a portfolio and looking for models to photograph for a ballroom dance themed shoot. He is looking for mature age students or late high school at the youngest. As a thankyou for having you model for him - he is happy to provide a set of high res digital files complimentary. The objective of the shoot is to capture the essence of dance and movement through a range of photographic techniques which will be incorporated into the shoot. If you like the idea of posing for a photo and getting a record of your efforts, then drop him a line. See you on the dance floor Clint |
AuthorThis blog is written by the staff at Destine Dance and is inspired by the questions and challenges faced by our students Archives
December 2024