Get good fast in salsa and waltz
What's on offerThe proficiency classes at Destine Dance are an option like the social group classes. But they are for those who want to develop their fundamental skills, develop them quickly, and feel confident in their ability.
This program:
In each class you, and others in the program, will work on routines in the two dances. By the end of the last lesson, you will be proficient, and then be able to demonstrate your proficiency at the awards night. The awards night will be where you (and other students) dance with one of the studio instructors in front of attendees and the adjudicator - who is approved by the Australian Dancing Society. These are fun nights where everyone gets a sense of achievement, dances socially with others, and brings friends and family for support. We also run a group class that allows your guests to learn the basics of a simple dance so that they too can join in the fun. If you want to learn to dance or if you want that sense of achievement, then secure your spot now via the link. Please contact us if you have any questions about this offer. Terms: